Design, Print, Repeat
Things I made, did, or designed in my free time
Nightingale Pen Station
A bust model of Nightingale from Gundam novel, quick sketch in Gravity sketch with detail added in Rhino7. A birthday gift for my brother~
Darkstar, Blackswift, SR-72 Model
A quick sketch of Darkstar from Top Gun: Mavric, the concept that inspired it (SR-72), and Blackswift from Darpa Falcon.
3D printed, available to download at,%20Blackswift,%20SR-72
Switch Dock Redesign
A travel dock design for switch with 6 game cartage slots and a lid with a unique hinge-design double as back support when open.
Uses the electronics and 4 screws from the original switch dock.
download here:
or here:
Air Pods Pro Case Phone Stand
Realizing the need of a phone stand while eating + video watching, I made dis.
3D printed, available to download at
Water Cool Case 4 iPad Pro 10.5" (WIP)
A 3D Printed protection case with a mounting point for a tilted stand or water cooling block.
Lens cap style mounting clip printed in 1 piece without support.
Currently, my daily driver whenever I game on it
Will be available for download shortly after a bit more durability testing.
A simple 3D printed spool case
Holds 8 wire spools with a locking mechanism controlled by a button.
3-pieces (2 trays + 1 outer case), compliance mechanism locking button.
A tribute to a great anime
The animate 86 has become one of my favorite mech/military/sci-fi anime, so I decide to model out the Higanbana & Eintagsfliege as a memorial to EP.22.
download here:
Arc Bird (VR Gravity Sketch WIP) Model
One of many WIP models, since not all the things I love has been merchandised, I'll have to DIY it.
Low-poly Latios & Latias
Two of my favorite Poke'mon, modelled in Gravity sketch for testing multi material printers.
Makeshift DIY Belt FDM Printer
Modding the Tinkerine Ditto 3D with a DIY belt system to produce hundreds of printed parts in a limited time.
Spaghetti & Meatballs
Occasional unintended creations, some may become decorative pieces.