Vehicle Design with VR

Car concept design practice with Gravity Sketch, Rhino and VRed rendering

Inspiration, concept, rendering, poster, and scale model

More VR 3D modeling using Gravity Sketch 

A bust model of Nightingale from Gundam novel, quick sketch in Gravity sketch with detail added in Rhino 

A quick sketch of Darkstar from Top Gun: Mavric, the concept that inspired it (SR-72), and Blackswift from Darpa Falcon. 

By uploading for sharing, the community resounded with the wonderful idea of implementing Lockheed logo as display stand

Rough sketch of a Vtol 5th gen fighter concept

WIP Ace Combat Arcbird Model for 3D printing

Two of my favorite Poke'mon, modelled in Gravity sketch for testing multi material printers. 

Not a VR sketch but an old drone concept designed in the uni years