By designing prototypes of touch-based gamepads, conducting comparisons and interviews, 

explores the possibility of touch interfaces becoming the mainstream control method for future shooting games.

Results show no significant difference between touch-based input and mouse under similar total latency conditions,

encouraging further research and the potential of touch becoming a mouse input replacement.


Following Research Through Design process and referencing input device efficiency Fitts Test studies


Rapid prototyping and design iterations results in a concept that is both ergonomically touch orientated while including traditional gamepad controls


Final prototype constructed with working electronic


Due to the pandemic, a portable remote testing unit was built and used.

With input device latency tuned for a more fair comparison.


iPad representing one of the touch-based input methods shows results comparative with the similar latency-tuned G304 mouse. Demonstrating the possibility of touch rival mouse input efficiency.


Insights were gathered during the questionnaire and interview on the selected input devices.

Positive feedback and pain points will be used in evaluation and future design suggestions.


Analyzing Fitts Trace test records provides possible explanation for performing differences between input devices

Future Work

Researchs with more advance hardware and design iterations on size, shape, and surface selection for touch-based input is recommanded to understand its true performance potential and market potential.